Hey there, aspiring coders! Today, we're going to blend the excitement of web development with the thrill of paying tribute to your favorite sportspe
What is a Web Socket Server?
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
Controlling the brightness of an LED is an easy task. We could do it using code or using wired input. In this tutorial, we will learn how to cont
Getting hands on with beautiful CSS
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
Hi there, young web designers! Are you ready to take your web pages to the next level? In this article, we'll dive into the exciting world of CSS
Code for DHT11 Sensor Reading Web Application
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
HTML and Web Computing For Kids
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
Web Computing is a web based system that provides access to a software system using a computer and internet connection. Basically, it is the way h
Classifying Block and Inline Elements
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
In the previous article we learned about how to organize data in tables. Block and Inline elements are the other constructive element
Organizing Data in a Table using HTML for kids
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
When it comes to designing a layout for a particular purpose with information on a web page, tables are a powerful tool in HTML. They
How to create a List in HTML?
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
In the previous articles we have learned about a few basic HTML tags. One of the other basic elements in HTML is creating lists. Whether it's a l
How to link 2 web pages in HTML?
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
Now you might be wondering how the website works and takes us from one webpage to another. The webpages are linked with a hypertext reference. Linkin
In Depth with the head, title and style HTML tags
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
What is head, title and style in HTML?
<head> element is the container for all the head elements in HTML. Its is like the human head which co